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All That Breathes

Award-winning documentary about two Indian brothers who take care of birds of prey that fall from the sky every day in New Delhi. With impressively beautiful imagery.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

All That Breathes

India's capital New Delhi is not only plagued by overpopulation, inequality and religious tensions, the city is also seriously polluted. Living there is quite a task - not just for humans, it certainly applies to animals too. Some people care about their plight, like brothers Saud and Nadeem, who have an innate love for the black kite, a bird of prey that has a very hard time in the city's smog-filled skies. Since 2003, they have been taking care of these birds in their makeshift bird hospital in the small basement of their house. Their work, insignificant as it may seem, does make a difference.

It is rare for a film to win the top prize at two renowned film festivals. The beautifully filmed and layered All That Breathes is one such film. At both the Sundance and Cannes film festivals, the film won the award for Best Documentary.


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