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Honeyland - Ready for action!

During this special screening of Honeyland, Slow Food Youth Network provides an introduction and follow-up discussion.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

This time, during Ready for action!, Slow Food Youth Network provides a program around Honeyland. Please note: this film and/or programme can only be fully appreciated by those who are sufficiently proficient in Dutch.


Award-winning mix of drama and documentary in which the filmmakers followed Hatidze Moeratova, Europe's last female gatherer of honey, for three years. Her search for wild bee colonies leads her along North Macedonia's steep mountain slopes, where the bees are nestling between the rocks. She takes good care of her bees, in keeping with ancient traditions. One of the most important rules is that she never collects more than half of their honey. The other half is for the bees.

Hatidze lives with her ailing mother in a tiny stone house, without electricity or running water. The market where she sells her pure, delicious honey is four hours' walk away. One day a rather rambunctious family arrives in a caravan. The rough manner in which the father treats his seven children and his cattle is in stark contract to Hatidze's careful handling of her bees. The father takes an interest in the honey trade.

Slow Food Youth Network is an international youth movement that is committed to a good, clean and fair food system. After all, food has more impact than you think: it has common ground with almost all the social and ecological challenges of our time. The organization believes that young people should play an important role in the future of food production and consumption. That is why they bring young consumers, producers, farmers, chefs and students closer together.