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A Long Way Home - Cracking the Frame

Director Luc Schaedler gets to know his own world much better by closely observing the culture of another one. The Chinese to be precise. A portrait of five unruly Chinese artists.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

A Long Way Home - Cracking the Frame

A Long Way Home takes us on a fascinating journey into both the grim days of recent Chinese history and the dazzling cultural scene in present-day China. Directed by award-winning Swiss filmmaker Luc Schaedler, this fascinating film follows five of the most significant representatives of contemporary Chinese arts: avant-garde visual artists the Gao Brothers, modern-dance choreographer Wen Hui, subversive animator Pi San and poet Ye Fu.

With bravery and subversive wit, they each shed light on the social problems in their country from their unique perspective. What they share is a struggle to come to terms with their respective pasts, all scarred by the violence and oppression that accompanied the democracy movement of 1989. Through their own unique artistic practices these five renowned artists question which values determine our cultural identity, and in what kind of world we wish to live.

The film will be introduced by Alex Lebbink, connoisseur of Chinese artt and owner of the SinArts Gallery in The Hague.


An entertaining and moving plea for human solidarity


An impressive film facing the sadness of the past and the headlessness of the present with empathy, fantasy and solidarity