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Anselm (3D) - Expat Cinema

Renowned director Wim Wenders portrays the life and work of an equally renowned artist: Anselm Kiefer. In 3D!
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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


Anselm Kiefer (b. 1945) is one of the most influential artists of the past 50 years. With his paintings and sculptures, often of enormous size, Kiefer explores human existence and the cyclical nature of history. He draws his inspiration from numerous sources, including literature, philosophy, mythology and religion, resulting in works that often take war, decay and destruction as their themes.

Perhaps equally influential is the work of German director Wim Wenders, a man with countless classics to his credit. It is Wenders who portrays Kiefer's life and work in this remarkable and beautiful documentary. Remarkable because he has several important episodes from Kiefer's life reenacted by his own nephew Anton and Kiefer's son Daniel; wonderful because he takes the experience of Kiefer's art with 3D to a higher level. The camera moves slowly along the sculptures and paintings, with that 3D doing full justice to the layered structures.