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Napoleon Dynamite - Woe is Watching

Deadpan comedy about nerd Napoleon, definitely not one of the popular students at school. But he doesn't just put up with that.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Napoleon Dynamite

Teenager Napoleon Dynamite lives with older brother Kip and his grandmother somewhere in a godforsaken corner of Idaho. At his high school, there are two camps: the popular students like the sports standouts and the cheerleaders, while the other camp includes all the unpopular students. Napoleon is an incredible nerd, so naturally he belongs to the second camp. One day, a newcomer arrives: Pedro, the only student in school with a moustache! When Pedro decides to make a bid for the presidency of the student council, Napoleon offers to help him. It will be quite a job, as the opposing candidate is also the most popular student.

Director Jared Hess co-wrote the screenplay for this original and critically acclaimed deadpan comedy with his wife Jerusha, making his feature debut. The film is reportedly slightly autobiographical: most of the many absurd and hilarious situations come from Hess' own life.