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The Killer

An assassin prepares his next 'job' very meticulously. Yet things go wrong, with disastrous consequences for him.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

The Killer

David Fincher began his career by directing music videos. His big breakthrough came in 1995 with the dark and critically acclaimed thriller Se7en, for which Andrew Kevin Walker wrote the screenplay. The screenplay for Fincher's new film, The Killer, is again by Walker, an adaptation of the eponymous graphic novel by French cartoonist Alexis Nolent.

In an abandoned office building in Paris, an unnamed hitman has been keeping a sharp eye on a hotel across the street for days - in which his next victim is staying. Using yoga, he prepares for the decisive moment, but when it arrives, things go wrong; his bullet hits the wrong person. His clients are by no means happy with this failure and decide to punish the hitman by targeting the people he holds dear. For the hitman, it is now clear what he has to do... With Michael Fassbender as the hitman.

VPRO Cinema

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