Social worker Sylvia, a woman with a troubled, alcoholic past, has gone to a school reunion with her sister. It is not fun, as an unknown man is constantly smiling at her. On her way home, she notices the man following her, after which she rushes home in a panic to lock herself in her flat, where she lives with her daughter Anna. The next morning, the man is still there; Sylvia manages to find out his identity: it turns out his name is Saul and he suffers from incipient dementia. Days later, Saul contacts her to apologise for his behaviour. Gradually, a bond develops between the two that will have a profound impact on both their lives.
Everything revolves around repressed, unprocessed and lost memories in this sensitive drama from Mexican director Michel Franco, who wrote the screenplay himself. The leading roles are played by Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard. The latter won the Best Actor award at the Venice Film Festival with this.