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Fiore mio - with Q&A

Together with his dog Laki, writer/director Paolo Cognetti travels to the Italian Alps to portray Monte Rosa - the people who live there and the beautiful mountain itself.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

On Friday 7 February, a very special pre-premiere of Fiore mio, Paolo Cognetti's new film, is scheduled. Special because Cognetti will be a guest at this screening in Rialto De Pijp. After the film, he will answer questions from the audience. Moderator this evening: Devi Smits (De Balie).

Please note: the film is subtitled in English and the Q&A will also be conducted in English.

Fiore mio

Paolo Cognetti (Milan, 1978) studied mathematics, but during that study he realised his heart was more in writing and filmmaking. He completed his film studies in 1999, his first short story was published in 2003, and a year later he made his first short film. He achieved great fame with his first novel Le otto montagne from 2016, a story about the friendship between Pietro and Bruno, a city boy an equally old boy from a mountain village. In 2022, Felix van Groeningen and Charlotte Vandermeersch adapted the novel to film: The Eight Mountains.

In his new documentary Fiore mio (My Flower), Cognetti returns to the Italian Alps, to the region of the ‘eight mountains’. In the company of his faithful dog Laki, he focuses his camera on Monte Rosa, the people who live there and how living in the mountains has affected the way they view life. But of course, Cognetti also has an eye for the breathtaking landscapes around him.