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Maternal - Expat Cinema

What is motherhood? Portrait of friends Fati and Lu, staying in a religious shelter for single teenage mothers, and the kind nun, Sister Paola.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


Fati and Lu have been friends since childhood. The two are now seventeen and both live in a religious shelter for single teenage mothers in Buenos Aires. One day, novice Paola arrives, a kind Italian nun who is about to take her religious vows. Fati, pregnant with her second child, is introverted and willing to adapt to the house rules, but Lu is very explosive and constantly pushing the limits. When she runs away, Sister Paolo takes over the care of her daughter Nina.

Director Maura Delpera has prepared herself well for this feature debut written by herself: she spent four years in a real shelter to study the interaction between the girls and the nuns. This resulted in this layered and truthful portrait full of religious symbolism of three women who all three deal with motherhood in a very different way.