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DWARS presents: Casablanca Beats

Former rapper and youth worker Anas teaches Moroccan youth to express themselves through hip-hop and the art of rapping.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

DWARS is the independent youth organisation of GroenLinks. The organisation aims to introduce people to politics in a pleasant way. Not only through contact with GroenLinks, but also by means of messages in the media and actions, it tries to influence Dutch politics.

Casablanca Beats

Anas, a former rapper, finds a new job at the arts centre of the Sidi Moumen district of Casablanca. One of the first things he does is embellish the classroom wall with spray paint. Frankly, the centre's director is not amused, though all Anas wanted was to prepare his students for his hip-hop and rapping lessons. They are invited to give it a try, but none of them manages to impress Anas much. He tries to explain that rap is not just chanting some rhyming lines, but rather should address everyday life concerns. Actually, there are plenty of things they could rap about.

With his film, written by himself, French-Moroccan director Nabil Ayouch wanted to give voice to young people. He has certainly managed to do so in this story brimming with infectious energy, in which he clearly conveys the challenges Moroccan teens are facing in this day and age.