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Greener Pastures - Seret Israeli Film Festival

A crazy comedy, with a cast that includes some of the most beloved actors in Israel, about 75 years old widower Dov (Shlomo Bar-Aba).

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

This will be a special screening, because both directors, Asaf Abiri and Matan Guggenheim, will be present to answer questions from the audience right after the film. This Q&A will be hosted by Seret's Patty Hochmann.

Greener Pastures

A crazy comedy with a cast that includes some of the most beloved actors in Israel, including Shlomo Bar-Aba as Dov, a 75 years old widower living in a nursing home where he feels like he’s in jail. He dreams of buying back his old house but he is broke, he lost his pension he is blaming the country for that. When he realizes that everyone in the nursing home consumes state-sponsored medical cannabis, he finds his way out, by selling cannabis, which he gets from the other tenants. When love, police, and the local mafia enter the picture, Dov finds himself at a crossroad.