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Mi país imaginario - Expat Cinema

One and a half million Chileans took to the streets in 2019 to protest against price increases, but mostly for a new constitution. Filmmaker Patricio Guzmán recorded it.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Mi país imaginario

For this film, documentary filmmaker Patricio Guzmán (La cordillera de los sueños, Nostalgia de la luz) returns to Chile to report on the unexpected revolution that began in October 2019. Guzmán had to leave Chile after the failed 1973 revolution, when the country fell into the hands of military dictator Pinochet. But now there is hope for a fair society.

Following the increase in the price of a metro ticket, protests erupted in Chile's capital Santiago in October 2019. One and a half million people took to the streets. They protested not only against high metro prices, but also against failing democracy and in favour of improving education and health care.

It is about time for a new constitution, one that erases all traces of dictatorship once and for all. It is mostly women who are taking the lead and playing an important role in writing this new constitution.