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Trois couleurs: Bleu - Expat Cinema

First part of the Trois couleurs trilogy. After the death of her husband and daughter, Julie tries to burn all her bridges. With Juliette Binoche.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Trois couleurs: Bleu

In this first part of the Trois Couleurs trilogy, Kieślowski presents his view of the first principle of the French Republic: liberty. To great critical acclaim, the film garnering a slew of international film awards, including the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. Leading actress Juliette Binoche also won several prizes.

Julie (Binoche) loses her husband Patrice, a celebrated composer, as well as her daughter in a grave car accident she herself survives. For Julie, the traumatic event draws a sharp dividing line in her life. She doesn't grieve, and she doesn't look for closure. Instead, she makes a clean break with her past and moves to Paris to live an unencumbered life, as she sees it. She isn't just rid off her old life, however. The past catches up with her in the form of an unfinished work by her husband.