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Mascotte - Expat Cinema

Jerry seems like a perfectly normal teenager, but he is frustrated and lonely. He finds an outlet in hooligan fights. And things keep getting worse...

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


At first glance, Jerry seems like a perfectly normal teenager. He lives with his single mother Abbey and younger sister in a quiet coastal town and helps out at an institution for the mentally disabled. But Jerry, born with deformed teeth, feels lonely and frustrated deep inside and seeks an outlet for this by participating in hooligan fights. When Abbey, who has always given unconditional but also excessive love, lets go of him more and more, something snaps. Jerry's behaviour becomes so radical that it disrupts not only himself but the stability of the whole family.

Mascotte is the second film by Remy van Heugten, who previously impressed with the critically acclaimed Gluckauf. In this film, he tells a penetrating story about the oppressive relationship between a son and mother in a dysfunctional family, against the backdrop of a society in which - driven by social media - forces such as violence, pornography and male dominance keep people in an icy grip.