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Snow and the Bear - Expat Cinema

Stylish thriller in which the young, modern nurse Aslı finds herself caught in a web of intrigue in a Turkish border town that is as traditional as it is snowed-in.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Snow and the Bear

In a border town in eastern Turkey, there is no end to winter. It snows incessantly, the roads are blocked. So it takes the young, self assured nurse Aslı from Ankara a lot of effort to get there, because that is precisely where she has found a new job. Once there, she ends up in a web of intrigue. The trigger is the disappearance of Hasan, a notorious drunk and troublemaker. Was he eaten by a bear that woke up early from hibernation, as rumour has it, or does his enemy Samet have something to do with it, as he had an argument with him just before his disappearance. And how does Aslı stand in all this? She is a neutral party, someone from the outside, but she is also a woman...

In this stylish thriller, debutant director Selcen Ergun convincingly shows how difficult it is for a modern woman to find her way in a traditional, patriarchal society. Merve Dizdar steals the show as Aslı.