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VU Pride: Queer in God’s Image

Documentary on the lives of three Christian Queer individuals from the Netherlands. The film is followed by a panel discussion.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Queer in God’s Image

The documentary Queer in God’s Image is about the lives of three Christian Queer individuals from the Netherlands. The documentary follows Jac, Anne, and Yves in their daily lives as Queer Christians in the Netherlands. How do they navigate in the heteronormative world? And more specifically, in the world of Christianity in the Netherlands?

This documentary shows their faith, struggles, and questions as young Christian Queer adults in the Netherlands. Filming them in their homes and (other) places they connect with spirituality and God.

The screening of the short film Queer in God’s Image followed by a panel discussion. The protagonists of the documentary Jac, Anne and Yves and the director, Mikkie van der Mik, will further elaborate on the questions posed in the film and the making of the film.

Please take note: this discussion will be in English.