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Everything Everywhere All at Once

Things are certainly not going well for laundromat owner Evelyn (Michelle Yeoh ). When it all gets too much, the universe splits. Awarded seven Oscars!

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Evelyn (Michelle Yeoh) runs a not-so-successful laundrette with her husband Waymond (Key Hun Quan). She also has a rather rebellious daughter and is working on a tax return that just can't seem to get finished. Just when it all gets too much, the universe splits into an infinite number of universes; Evelyn is no longer just a laundromat owner, but also an internationally celebrated film star, kung fu master, chef and perhaps the hero everyone needed all along.

This imaginative and adventurous comedy was nominated for eleven Oscars, and, as it was announced on 12 March in Los Angeles, managed to bag no fewer than seven of them, including Best Picture, Best Direction, Best Female Lead (Michelle Yeoh) and Best Male and Female Supporting Actress - reason enough to show this film again. But in an 'extended version', with an intro by the directors and a blooper reel at the end.

VPRO Cinema