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Werner Herzog - Radical Dreamer - Expat Cinema

Those who want to get to know the man, the director and his surroundings will enjoy Thomas von Steinacker's portrait of Werner Herzog, "the last German Romantic".

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Werner Herzog - Radical Dreamer

Werner Herzog: a man who wonders like a child, like a poet – and who knows how to capture wonder in the camera. For Herzog, filming is a dive into the unknown, a process in which you become aware that behind the everydayness of things there is a deeper truth that can be chillingly beautiful, terrifying or moving. No wonder he is described as "the last defender of German Romanticism".

Filmmaker Thomas von Steinacker tries to capture Herzog in the portrait Werner Herzog – Radical Dreamer. He goes through Herzog's filmography in chronological order, from early documentaries and feature films such as Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979) to later productions such as Grizzly Man (2005) and Meeting Gorbachev (2018). To get a complete picture, Von Steinacker interviews Neue Deutsche Film contemporaries Volker Schlöndorff and Wim Wenders, supplemented by conversations with Herzog's wife Lena and actors such as Nicole Kidman.