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Strange Way of Life

Short film by Pedro Almod贸var in which two men reflect on their younger years and the plans they had for the future.

Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Strange Way of Life

After not seeing each other for years, Silva finally crosses the desert to visit his old friend Jake. Jake is now sheriff and is about to bring in a suspect in a murder case. The men think back to their younger years in Mexico. Back then, they made plans for the future. When it becomes clear why Silva made the journey across the desert at this very moment, it is questionable whether there is still a future for them together.

Pedro Almod贸var's new short film is a modern Western starring Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones) and Ethan Hawke (Boyhood). After The Human Voice with Tilda Swinton, this is Almod贸var's second English-language and short film. To celebrate, at Rialto we are screening both short films in immediate succession.

Also interesting: The Human Voice

Adaptation of Jean Cocteau's famous play. A woman (Tilda Swinton) awaits the arrival of her ex-lover. However, he does not come. A bitter and desperate phone call with him follows.