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The Human Voice

Adaptation of Jean Cocteau's famous play. A woman (Tilda Swinton) awaits the arrival of her ex-lover. However, he does not come. A bitter and desperate phone call with him follows.

Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

The Human Voice

In 1928, French artist Jean Cocteau wrote the play La voix humaine, consisting of a monologue by a distraught and despairing woman. Originally premiering in Paris in 1930, the play has inspired many adaptations since, with many different actresses, including Anna Magnani, Ingrid Bergman and Halina Reijn, playing the part. Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar (Hable con ella, Volver, Dolor y gloria, etc.) has joined the list of adapting artists with this short film starring British actress Tilda Swinton. It is Almodóvar's first English spoken film.

A woman comes home to her apartment and waits for her lover, the man who is about to leave her. Next to her are his suitcases, packed and ready. She is becoming increasingly restless, as is the dog, missing its master, but the man doesn't turn up. They talk on the phone; the conversation is filled with sarcasm, bitterness and despair. Her world collapses – figuratively and literally.

Also interesting: Strange Way of Life

The newest short by Pedro Almodóvar in which two men reflect on their younger years and the plans they had for the future.