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Remembering Every Night - CinemAsia

On a sunny afternoon, three women’s lives intertwine and rustle on the outskirts of Tokyo in this daydream-like film about the simple pleasures of ordinary life.

Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Remembering Every Night

The film slowly begins in a small kitchen located in Tama New Town, a planned city on the outskirts of Tokyo opened in the 1970s. The sidewalks, gardens, cafes, and parks now appear aged and neglected, mirroring the nostalgia of its older residents who once knew all the neighbours around them. For Chizu, however, Tama New Town is a place in which she easily gets lost, where things all seem to look the same.

Director Kiyohara Yui skillfully immerses the audience in the quiet pursuits of three women — a wandering university student, a helpful gas metre inspector, and a middle-aged woman looking for a job. Their paths intertwine and bypass each other during a single sunny afternoon, captured by Kiyohara through serene long takes and an occasionally drifting camera. A film that feels like a calming daydream, Remembering Every Night offers a reminder of the simple pleasures of ordinary life.