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Introverted teenager Holly is a real misfit. Everything changes after a deadly fire at school; she possesses the gift of being able to soothe grief.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


15-year-old Holly, a lonely, introverted girl, is bullied at school. But luckily there is Bart with whom she can share everything. One morning, she has a strange premonition and decides not to go to school. And just that morning, a fire breaks out at school, killing several children. Months later, teacher Anna asks her to volunteer for a group of grieving parents. This goes very well for her: she appears to have a comforting gift, bringing hope, warmth and peace. However, more and more people call on her, the pressure becomes too much. Only with Bart can she still be herself.

In her fifth film, Holly, written by herself, Flemish director Fien Troch again deals with the theme of mourning, this time not by the mourners but by someone who brings comfort. That someone is played very modestly by the debutant Cathalina Geeraerts. Co-produced by the Dardenne brothers.

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