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Kinds of Kindness

New film from the maker of Poor Things, a triptych full of bizarre, obsessed characters. Starring Emma (Emily) Stone, Willem Dafoe and Jesse Plemons in all leading roles.

Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Kinds of Kindness

Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos is considered one of the most interesting directors currently populating the film world. The huge success of his previous film, Poor Things, has more than confirmed that status. Less than a year later, he comes out with his new film, Kinds of Kindness, which he co-wrote with screenwriter Efthimis Filippou, with whom he previously made Dogtooth and The Lobster, among others. A bizarre mix of drama and black comedy, full of obsessed characters, this new film is a triptych in which the roles are played by the same cast each time, including Emma (Emily) Stone, Willem Dafoe and Jesse Plemons.

1. The Death of R.M.F.: Robert is guided in everything by his boss Raymond. Then he meets Rita, a woman apparently in the same boat;
2. R.M.F. is Flying: Liz, the wife of police officer Daniel, had gone missing on a boat trip. But suddenly she has returned. Daniel has his doubts about her;
3. R.M.F. Eats a Sandwich: cult followers Emily and Andrew are commissioned by their leader to find the saviour, as prophecy has foretold. This proves more difficult than expected.