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Mad Max: Fury Road

Brilliant, six-Oscar-winning fourth part of the Mad Max series, in which Max Rockatansky, backed by Imperator Furiosa, takes on Immortan Joe's ‘army’.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Mad Max - the Full Ride

There are good action films, very good action films and there are action films of the Outer Category. The latter category should include Furiosa: a Mad Max Saga and  Mad Max: Fury Road, according to many the best action films ever made!

On 11, 15 & 18 June, you can treat yourself to an unforgettable evening with these two Mad Max films in a row. A Double Bill ticket will even save you some money!

Interested? Then click here to order your ticket.

Mad Max: Fury Road

An all-destructive nuclear war has turned the world into a hellish wasteland, where everything is in short supply, especially water, food and fuel. Ruthless motorbike gangs leave no stone unturned to get their hands on those scarce resources. It is this world in which former policeman Max Rockatansky, nicknamed Mad Max, must fend for himself.

It was Mel Gibson who first portrayed Mad Max in 1979 in the eponymous cinema hit, and he did the same in the two sequels from 1981 and 1985. Fans had to wait 30 years for the sequel. But the wait had not been in vain, as Mad Max: Fury Road, starring Tom Hardy, turned out to be an unprecedented spectacle, highly appreciated by audiences and press alike. As a result, the film won a carload of awards, including six Oscars. Charlize Theron can be seen as Imperator Furiosa, the music is by Junkie XL.