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Poor Things

With the body of a woman but the mind of a child, Bella Baxter (Emma Stone) goes through a remarkable development into a self-aware woman. Sone won the Oscar for Best Actress.

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Poor Things

In Victorian England, a young woman is brought back to life from the dead by deformed scientist Dr Godwin Baxter. Bella, as he calls her, has the body of a woman but the mind of a child, which leads to uncomfortable situations, especially when she discovers her sexuality. Nevertheless, Baxter's assistant Max McCandles falls for her and even wants to marry her. It does not come to that, as Bella runs off with a shady lawyer after he promises her unprecedented physical pleasure and breathtaking adventures. During their journey through Europe, Bella develops into a self-confident woman with a strong desire for freedom.

With films such as The Lobster and The Favourite, director Yorgos Lanthimos has repeatedly proven to be a highly original raconteur, telling his bizarre stories in a visually stunning style. This is certainly true of his new film, which recalls Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a tale of a woman breaking free from dominant men. Starring Emma Stone, Willem Dafoe and Mark Ruffalo, among others. Among (many) other awards, the film won four Oscars, including one for Stone.