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Los reyes del mundo - Expat Cinema

A piece of land inherited from his grandmother offers young street urchin Rá the prospect of a better life. But how to get there? Together with four friends, he undertakes the journey.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Los reyes del mundo

Life on the streets of the Colombian city of Medellín is tough and dangerous, even the young Rá knows, who has to survive right there. Together with his best friends Sere and Winny, he engages in street fights and petty crime. They know things cannot go on like this, but is there an alternative? Unexpectedly, a new opportunity presents itself when he learns that he can reclaim the piece of land he inherited from his grandmother from the government. Together with two other friends, Culebro and Nano, the five set off for that piece of land that lies far away, deep in Colombia. But the journey is leaden and the longer it takes, the more their friendship is tested.

Director Laura Mora Ortega not only speaks out about Colombia's social ills in this critically acclaimed film, she above all tells the story of a sometimes hallucinatory journey full of dreamy and breathtaking images.