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Modern Monks - Zen Mornings in May

Whoever imagines Zen monks probably thinks of a man in a robe who leads a meditative existence behind the walls of a temple. In her documentary, filmmaker / zen monk Julia Strijland shows that that image is no longer correct.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

In May, we are organizing a couple of relaxing mornings at Rialto. The viewing experience of three special films is enhanced by a preceding meditative and inspiring moment, provided by director/Zen monk Julia Strijland, yoga teacher Marinka Achterberg and yoga teacher/musician Irene Sportel. Afterwards tea will be offered at the bar and there will be an opportunity to drink and chat.

Modern Monks - Zen Mornings in May

When imagining a Zen monk, many people probably think of a man in a robe leading a calm and meditative life within temple walls. In her documentary, filmmaker Julia Strijland, a Zen monk herself, proves that that image is no longer true. With the lives of seven modern Zen monks, Josy, Thierry, Fred & Paula, Christophe, and Ton & Angie, she shows that, however contradictory, some Zen monks lead busy and hectic lives. One is a dancer, the other is a scientist, the third one lives in a car and earns money making music on the Barcelona metro. But no matter how different they are, they come together for Zen practice in their temple in the South of France, keeping the ancient traditions alive.

Warming-up: Julia Strijland, Zen monk and the film's director, talks about Zazen (a form of seated meditation) and leads an exercise focused on concentration and observation of the body and breathing.