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Original sex, drugs and hip-hop biopic about Northern Irish hip-hop trio Kneecap, which advocates the preservation of the Irish language. Kneecap plays itself.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


The story begins in 2017 when Móglaí Bap and a friend put graffiti on a bus shelter in Belfast. They wrote: Cearta, Irish for Rights. The police arrive, arrest that friend, while Móglaí Bap manages to get away. That friend refuses to speak to the police in English, after which he spends an entire night in the police cell. This event inspired Móglaí Bap , Mo Chara and DJ Próval to write the song C.E.A.R.T.A., a rap performed in Irish. The trio call themselves Kneecap and soon they become the figurehead of a movement to save the Irish language. The authorities are less than pleased with the trio, so they do their utmost to silence them.

In this original sex, drug and hip-hop biopic, writer/director Rich Peppiatt's first feature film, Kneecap plays itself. Peppiatt makes no bones about it: Irish cultural heritage must be preserved. Michael Fassbender also makes an appearance.