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Mantra: Sounds into Silence - Zen Mornings in May

Documentary about the world of chanting and how this recitative art of singing has a healing effect for many people, how singing mantras together gives a strong sense of inner peace.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

In May, we are organizing a couple of relaxing mornings at Rialto. The viewing experience of three special films is enhanced by a preceding meditative and inspiring moment, provided by director/Zen monk Julia Strijland, yoga teacher Marinka Achterberg and yoga teacher/musician Irene Sportel. Afterwards tea will be offered at the bar and there will be an opportunity to drink and chat.

Mantra: Sounds into Silence - Zen Mornings in May

Documentary about the world of chanting and the healing effect on many of this form of recitative singing, and about how the collective singing of mantras inspires a strong sense of peace from within. Rather than focusing on religion, the film centres on spirituality and on people finding meaning by rediscovering their true self and knowing how to connect with others.

We also meet the musicians who inspired them and learn how they developed Kirtan, a call-and-response form of chanting welcoming all to participate. Among them: Deva Premal & Miten with Manose, Krishna Das, Snatam Kaur, Lama Gyurme & Jean-Philippe Rykiel, Jai Uttal, MC Yogi, Dave Stringer, Mirabai Ceiba, Gaura Vani, Nina Rao, and Charlie Braun.

Warming-up: Yoga teacher, therapist and musician Irene Sportel talks about the healing effects of mantras and chanting. After the screening: a short musical surprise.