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For Sama - Focus on Syria

There is heavy fighting in Aleppo. This poses a very difficult dilemma for journalist Waad al-Kataeb and her husband, doctor Hamza. Al-Kateab captures it with her camera.

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For Sama

In the Syrian city of Aleppo, the young journalist Waad al-Kataeb and doctor Hamza fall in love. They get married and have a beautiful baby: Sama. These are tough times though, as Aleppo has become the battlefield of insurgents fighting against President Assad's troops. The city is bombed, the number of casualties is high. Hamza has set up an emergency hospital, which then too is the target of a bombing raid. The young family faces a terrible dilemma: should they flee to ensure the safety of their daughter or should they stay to keep supporting the fight for freedom?

While the city around her is burning, Al-Kateab captures the most incredible stories with her camera, intended as a letter to her daughter. The footage is as intimate as it is heart-breaking, which earned her and co-director Edward Watts, among other things, the Award for Best Documentary at the Cannes film festival.