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Even though she comes from a poor background, 19-year-old Liane is sure she is destined to become rich and famous. Then an opportunity presents itself: the reality show Miracle Island.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Diamant brut

Becoming famous and rich - for many, that is the ultimate dream, and with all the reality shows and social media, realising that dream seems closer than ever. French director Agathe Riedinger, in this feature debut written by herself, explores where that dream comes from. Who are these people and what moves them are the questions Riedinger addresses in this psychological drama. Malou Khebizi performs the lead role.

19-year-old Liane Pougy (Khebizi) lives with her mother and sister in the southern French town of Fréjus. They are certainly not well-off, yet Liane is not looking for a steady job. After all, she is sure she is destined for much more, for great celebrity. When she discovers that the reality show Miracle Island is looking for new contestants, she decides to apply for the audition. She knows it is a woman-unfriendly programme, full of superficial airheads, but she sees it as an opportunity.

de Volkskrant
