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Lost Highway - in memoriam David Lynch

Very, very strange and disturbing things are happening in the life of jazz saxophonist Fred Madison. Who is he anyway? It won't get much Lynchian.

Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Lost Highway

What is real, what is a dream? Or is reality just a dream? Those who see this film by David Lynch (Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet) will scratch their heads over these questions, but answers are not provided. Lynch immerses the viewer in a mysterious world of the lost highway, of fatal women and of an inexplicable identity change.

Jazz saxophonist Fred Madison (Bill Pullman) lives with his wife Renee (Patricia Arquette) in a modern villa in Los Angeles. One day the doorbell rings and Fred is told through the intercom that one Dick Laurent has been murdered. But no one is at the door. From that day on, every morning there is a brown envelope with a video tape on the stairs of the house. Those tapes show the house, first only from outside, but later also from inside. Who makes those tapes and why? Who is Dick Laurent? And did Fred kill his wife? With music by his regular composer Angelo Badalamenti.