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Maria - Expat Cinema

The career of world-famous soprano Maria Callas had seen many highlights. Towards the end of her life, things have taken a turn for the worse.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


Chilean director Pablo Larraín is fascinated by women who were as iconic and face-setting as they were troubled and unhappy - women who could barely withstand all the attention they received. In 2016, he made Jackie, a film about first lady Jackie Kennedy, starring Natalie Portman, followed five later by a film about Lady Di, Spencer, with Kristen Stewart as the unhappy princess. Now he has set his sights on perhaps the most famous soprano ever, the woman whose divine voice caressed our ears for decades: Maria Callas. In Maria, Angelina Jolie gives shape to the singer.

Paris, mid-1970s: opera singer Maria Callas has increasingly withdrawn from the world of opera. She is struggling with the memories of her youth and more and more unsure how to cope with all the fame. Above all, she is afraid of losing her voice. In the rooms of her apartment, she wanders around, surrounded by friends and servants, and her beautiful music.