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Jonathan Agassi Saved My Life - Seret International

Documentary about Jonathan Agassi, one of the best known Israeli gay porn actors. He claims to find his work fantastic, the images tell a different story.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Jonathan Agassi Saved My Life

Jonathan Agassi, one of the world's most successful gay porn stars, splits his time between Berlin and Israel. Agassi built his fame and success on what is considered a global taboo, but in fact pleases millions. A rare and intimate look at the world of porn and escorting, as well as on a unique relationship between a mother and son, who courageously redefine familiar family concepts.

This is a film about a lonely person who seeks love and meaning, but is condemned to a destructive lifestyle, understanding that the extreme fantasies he chases are not necessarily his own.