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The Disciples - een straatopera

"The homeless person is an icon of the unjust society. I however love people who are different from others. (...) They have the courage to live irresponsibly", says director Ram贸n Gieling.

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The Disciples - een straatopera

"The homeless person is an icon of the unjust society. I however love people who are different from others. (...) They have the courage to live irresponsibly", says director Ram贸n Gieling. This idea prompted him to stage a (street) opera with homeless people. Gieling wrote the libretto himself, inspired by Luis Bu帽uel's 1950 film Los Olvidados, while Boudewijn Tarenskeen composed the score. The twenty members of the Amsterdam homeless choir De Straatklinkers, who also featured in Gieling's earlier film Erbarme Dich, form the cast. And Gieling is constantly facing irresponsible behaviour: his cast members arrive late or not at all at rehearsals, they don't know their lines, jealousies and quarrels ensue.

For Gieling, best known for Johan Cruijff - en un momento dado, it's not primarily about the final performance, but rather about the journey that leads to the end result. He portrays his troupe not only during rehearsals, but also while they are living the hard life on the streets. In this opera they are the Apostles of Nothingness.