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Paris is Burning - Queer Currents

In the 1980s, photographer and painter Jennie Livingston portrayed the Ball Culture of New York, the world of African American and Latino gay, drag and transgender communities.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Paris is Burning

Photographer and painter Jennie Livingston moved to New York in the 1980s where one day she met two men who performed the vogue. She was intrigued by the movements but also by the world from which this dance originated: the Ball Culture of New York and the African American and Latino gay, drag and transgender communities. In the six years that followed, she captured this world. With images of the Ball competitions and many interviews with those involved, including Venus and Danni Xtravaganza, Willi Ninja, Dorian Corey, Junior Labeija and Octavia St. Laurent.

The result, the documentary Paris is Burning, won sixteen international film awards, including one at the Berlinale in 1991. In 2016, the film was selected for preservation in the Library of Congress in Washington for its great 'cultural, historical and aesthetic importance ".