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The Prophet - Seret Israeli Film Festival

The Seret Israeli Film Festival pays a visit to Rialto for the fifth time. With two feature films and two documentaries.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Rialto is closed until November 19th. So unfortunately, this screening cannot take place either. The Seret Israeli Film Festival has a great alternative, though: watch the film online. Click here!

The Prophet

Rabbi Meir Kahane began his career in the USA, where he founded the Jewish Defense League. As the league's violent activities turned into terrorism, he was forced to leave America. In Israel, he became the most radical politician the state has ever known. He united the right and the left against him and was banned by the media.

Today, thirty years after he was barred from Israeli parliament, Kahanism has seeped into Israeli society, and Kahane's prophecy about the divide between Judaism and democracy is echoed in the halls of the Knesset.

Dutch premiere