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Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse

Fascinating portrait of Dieter Bachmann, a primary school teacher in a German town who teaches pupils of many different nationalities.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse

Dieter Bachmann is a primary school teacher in the German town of Stadtallendorf, which has a population of about 20,000. The teenagers in his class almost all have different nationalities. Their mother tongue is Bulgarian, Russian, Moroccan or Turkish. They follow a wide range of religions. Or none at all. The unconventional teacher does much more than teach the pupils. He creates a bond of trust with the young people, but also between them.

Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse is the eighth project and the second documentary by director Maria Speth. In the film, she takes her time to sketch a portrait of this special man - in three and a half hours, she does not bore the viewer for a second. The big winner of the Silver Bear in Berlin. 


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