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De Krekel - Beestenboel in de kerstvakantie!

Seven short sweet stories for the little ones about the ups and downs of a cricket and his magic violin. From the creator of the world-famous Mole.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

De Krekel

Seven short sweet stories for the little ones about the ups and downs of a cricket and his magic violin. From the creator of the world-famous Little Mole.

Cricket experiences all kinds of exciting adventures. He comes face to face with a spider, with a chicken and gets locked up in a cello. But luckily he finds a solution to every problem with the charming music he conjures up from his violin. With it, Cricket also lulls all the animals in the forest to sleep. Small but brave and always cheerful, Cricket helps other animals, but can also count on their help himself.

As with The Little Mole, Zdeněk Miler's animation style endears children to their parents. The animation compilation contains no dialogue, only music.