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It is no longer safe for 15-year-old top gymnast Olga in Ukraine, so she moves to Switzerland. The transition is not easy and everything gets worse when there is great unrest in her motherland.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


2013: 15-year-old Ukrainian Olga is one of her country's best gymnasts. She is in the middle of preparing for the upcoming European Gymnastics Championships in Stuttgart, when she and her mother Ilona, a critical journalist, are ambushed. Barely escaping death, Ilona decides it is safer for her daughter to leave Kiev and sends her to Switzerland. There she struggles with the language, the culture and her jealous fellow tourists. Everything becomes even more complicated when a revolt against the government breaks out in her motherland: the Euromaidan protests. Her mother and best friend are caught in the middle.

In this feature debut, French director Elie Grappe offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of top-class sport, but he also shows that sport and politics often cannot be separated. Olga is played by Anastasia Budiashkina, also a gymnast in real life.

de Volkskrant

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