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The Velvet Queen

In the Tibetan highlands, photographer Vincent Munier and writer Sylvain Tesson go in search of the snow leopard. An ode to the beauty of nature.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

The Velvet Queen

In the beautiful and unexplored frozen peaks and valleys of the Tibetan highlands, the world-famous nature photographer Vincent Munier and writer and adventurer Sylvain Tesson go in search of one of the rarest big cats: the snow leopard. The snow leopard, a true master of camouflage, has long been on the lookout for them and will not be photographed easily.

Munier and Tesson move peacefully across the majestic landscape and encounter more fauna that is just as fascinating. During the journey, the two friends find a common appreciation for nature and celebrate the beauty of the world. The Velvet Queen is an enchantingly silent documentary with a fitting score composed by Warren Ellis, along with Nick Cave. It is a deeply philosophical journey with beautiful images of a place many of us will never set foot in. This documentary shows us that beauty is always there, ready to reveal itself to those who really look.

de Volkskrant
