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Help Rialto VU get a fourth projector

Exciting, Rialto is expanding! After more than 10 years of preparation, Rialto VU will open its doors later this year. A new film theatre, located in a likewise new building of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, with four screening rooms where the best films can be seen. Three of the four rooms are fully equipped, but the fourth is still missing a film projector ...

Such a projector comes with a hefty price tag: a thing like that costs around € 35,000, an enormous amount that we want to bring together with your help, the people who have a warm heart for Rialto and who also want Rialto's offer. enjoy in Buitenveldert and on the Zuidas. Hence this crowdfunding campaign: help Rialto get a fourth projector!

If you want to make a donation, click here.