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Van de koele meren des doods

Film adaptation of Frederik van Eeden's eponymous novel about Hedwig, a woman who gets into trouble because of her sexual desires. With Renée Soutendijk.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Van de koele meren des doods

Renée Soutendijk was just 21 when she played her first small film role in 1978, but her talent was so evident that she was soon offered bigger roles, for example in Paul Verhoeven's Spetters (1980), a year later she got the lead role in Ben Verbong's Het meisje met het rode haar. Very recently, she starred in Ena Sendijarevic's Sweet Dreams, which won her a Golden Calf. One of the highlights of her career is the role of Hedwig in Nouchka van Brakel's 1982 Van de koele meren des doods, the film adaptation of Frederik van Eeden's naturalistic novel of the same name.

The year is 1869: young Hedwig de Fontaine, a girl from an equally well-to-do and religious milieu, visits her mother's grave and meets Johan, with whom she immediately falls in love. She has sexual fantasies about him, but of course these are out of the question. It is the beginning of an extremely turbulent life, especially when it comes to love.