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Coup de chance

Fanny's life seems perfect, but when a former classmate comes back into her life, a lot changes. Possibly Woody Allen's last film.

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Coup de chance

After Everyone Says I Love You and Midnight in Paris, this is Woody Allen's third film set in Paris. Difference: only French is spoken in Coup de chance. The 87-year-old Allen, discredited by various controversies in his private life, recently announced that this will be his last film. But he has said that before...

Fanny's life seems perfect: she is happily married to Jean, a successful businessman, she has a nice job and the two live in posh district of Paris. That she dislikes his circle of friends, not to mention his hunting trips, she wisely keeps to herself. One day, she meets former classmate Alain on the street and they hit it off immediately. At the time, he was in love with her and judging by the advances he makes, not much has changed over the years. After that they meet again and again, growing increasingly closer.