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The Old Oak

Unrest rises in a run-down town when the last pub threatens to close. Through an unlikely friendship, hope returns.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

The Old Oak

In a former mining town stands The Old Oak, the last pub of the now dilapidated town in northern England. The locals can barely keep their heads above water and see their hometown becoming increasingly empty. Pub owner TJ silently listens to his grumbling customers. Then, when closure threatens, the housing of Syrian refugees in the town causes additional unrest. But an unlikely friendship gently brings the different worlds together, with The Old Oak as their shared centrepiece. Hope shines in the realisation that we must do it together after all.

The Old Oak is the new film from two-time Golden Palm winner Ken Loach (Sorry We Missed You). The ever-committed British filmmaker once again delivers a strong social drama set in working-class contemporary England. Sincere, hopeful and topical. The film was selected for the main competition of the Cannes Film Festival, where it had its world premiere.


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