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Back then Nabokov's novel was highly controversial, just as Kubrick's film adapatation - the story of the obsessive love of an older man for a young girl.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.


The originally Spanish name "Lolita" is a diminutive of "Lola", which is derived from "Dolores." Since the publication of Vladimir Nabokov's highly controversial 1955 novel Lolita, the name has acquired an erotic connotation: Lolita is a young teenager with an irresistible sexual attraction for some older men, a nymphet, as these girls are called in the novel. Stanley Kubrick's film-adaption was deemed controversial as well as some claimed it to be "glorifying paedophilia". Especially against our present-day raging #MeToo debate the question is how controversial the film still is.

Humbert Humbert, a 45-year-old professor of French Literature, rents a room with the widow Charlotte Haze, a woman he perceives as rather ridiculous. The reason he takes the room is simple: he falls head over heels in love with her 14-year-old daughter Dolores and the attraction seems to be mutual. He will go to any lengths to stay near her and even marries Charlotte. With James Mason, Shelley Winters and Sue Lyon.