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The Princess

It is 25 years since the British Princess Diana died in a car accident. Ed Perkins paints a true and confrontational portrait of a woman without a private life.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

The Princess

British director Ed Perkins, known among other things for his Oscar-nominated short documentary Black Sheep, made a confrontational chronicle of the public life and death of Lady Di, the beloved 'people's princess' Diana Spencer. On 31 August 1997 - exactly 25 years ago this year - her death triggered a public outpouring of grief the likes of which Britain has never experienced before.

This documentary shows the public image as the world saw it evolve, how close the media were to her and the impact this had on her life. It also makes clear what that says about us, the viewers who could not get enough of those images, who wanted to know everything and every detail. Without voiceover and using only archive footage - both media and public amateur recordings - Perkins has painted a intense and ultimately the truest portrait of Diana.

de Volkskrant