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Shadow of a Doubt

Hitchcock considered this psychological thriller his favourite film. About a bored teenager and her favourite uncle, who might be a serial killer.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

Shadow of a Doubt

In 1940, British director Alfred Hitchcock left for the United States, embarking on a dazzling career, producing more famous classics than can be listed here. As he once told on Dick Cavett's talk show, this psychological thriller was his favourite. Hitchcock's daughter Pat knew why: "My father loved bringing the menace into a small town."

Teenager Charlotte "Charlie" Newton (Teresa Wright) is bored to death in her hometown, sleepy small Santa Rosa. So she is happy to hear that her favourite uncle Charlie Oakley (Joseph Cotten) is coming to visit. Soon after, two men turn up at the house, claiming to be a photographer and journalist. In reality they are looking for a serial killer, though, and they suspect Charlie's uncle to be their guy. When they explain this to Charlie, she refuses to believe it at first...