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La nuit du 12

Intense whodunnit about two policemen in Grenoble who get stuck in their investigation into the murder of a young woman. They don't give up.

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Deze voorstelling maakt deel uit van Rialto Filmclub met als gastspreker deze maand Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

La nuit du 12

A professional police detective should keep his or her distance from the cases he or she is working on. But sometimes there are cases where this fails. The murder of 21-year-old Clara is such a case for ambitious detective Yohan Vivès (Bastien Bouillon). He has just been promoted to chief inspector in the Grenoble police when Clara's gruesome murder lands on his plate. She was killed on the night of October 12, but there is no trace of the culprit. Vivès and his experienced partner Marceau (Bouli Lanners) interrogate many suspects, but no breakthrough is forthcoming. Eventually, the case disappears into the archives as a cold case; for Vivès and Marceau, however, it is not over yet.

This intense whodunnit, based on an existing case, is not only an investigation into male violence against women, but also an indictment of the hypocrisy of a society in which women are judged for 'salacious' behaviour.

de Volkskrant