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Dog Day Afternoon

Oscar winning crime drama. A failed bank robbery ends in a hostage situation. One of the hostage takers turns out to be a master in manipulating the media. With Al Pacino and Jon Cazale.

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Dog Day Afternoon

August 1972: Sonny, Sal and Stevie enter a Brooklyn bank at closing time to rob the vault. Things rapidly go south: Stevie loses his nerve and the vault has already been emptied for the day. After a stupid move by Sonny, the bank is quickly surrounded by armed police and FBI agents. A hostage situation ensues. Sonny turns out to be very good at playing both to the crowds and to the media soon present in large numbers. When it comes out that the bank robbery is intended to pay for the sex-change surgery of his transgender wife Leon, Sonny becomes a hero in the gay community. But how can he and Sal escape their present situation?

The scenario is based on an article in LIFE magazine about a very similar robbery. Even though the actors improvised a lot, the story follows the true events accurately. The screenplay won an Oscar. With Al Pacino as Sonny and Jon Cazale as Sal.